Sunday, November 30, 2014

San Diego to Denver? Why?

Many people ask me why I moved from San Diego to Denver. For many, this does not seem like a logical move. To me it was a no-brainer. There were many feelings, desires, and events that lead to my decision to move, here are a few:  
In San Diego I lived in an 850 sq ft apartment for $1300/month. Although this space served me well for many years, I had outgrown it and wanted to move into a house with a yard. Living in San Diego on a single income would make this dream difficult to manifest, so I explored other options. As I did, old dreams of wanting to live in Colorado surfaced. 
Life is short, and you only get one I decided to go for it. 
Living in San Diego, I found myself taking vacations to places where I could immense myself in big nature and the wild soul of forests and mountains. As I considered moving, I knew I wanted to live someplace that would move me into closer relationship with nature. Denver meet this need. I can be in the Rocky Mountains in less then an hour, with access to a new ecology of bugs, birds, mammals, plants and trees. Another great feature of living in this area is a one’s day drive will put me in New Mexico, Utah or Wyoming. 
I lived in San Diego most of my life (excluding a couple years in Oklahoma as a teenager) and after 35+ years there, I was bored. The patterns and routines I had created in my life were keeping me in a holding pattern and I was ready for a change. I had wanted to leave San Diego for years, but there never seemed to be an opening in my life to make it happen. Then the Universe gave me a huge wake up call and broke my foot. So many things in my life stopped while I healed. This timeframe gave me a lot of time and space to be still and listen. As I started to heal, the question was: do I move back into my old life or leap forward into something totally new?  

I leapt. 

...and these are some of the reasons I moved from San Diego to Colorado.  

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